These are refurbished, hard sealed laser heads for your OEM, replacement, or experimental needs. Heads have integral ballast resistor, mechanical shutter, and mounting holes for accessories. Other types of heads may be available. Please call for more information.


Output Power: 0.5 mW minimum 0.8 mW typical
Wavelength: 1523 nm INFRARED
Random, (linear 500:1 may be available, please call or email for availability)
Mode: TEMoo
Beam Diameter: 0.83 mm
Beam Divergence: 2.31 mRads.
Aperture Mount: 4x 4-40 tapped holes 25.4 mm square spacing.
Operating Voltage: 2000 VDC.
Start Voltage: 10 KV.
Operating Current Range: 5.5 to 6.5 mA, 6.0 mA Ideal.
Input Lead: Male Alden connector with 1.8 meter long cord.
Recommended Power Supply: LAB-S-22, DG-22, E-21, F-22.
Dimensions: 401 mm long x 44.5 mm diameter.
Warranty: Limited 30 days from date of purchase.